What’s That Sound? Identifying Plumbing Sounds
Are you hearing gurgling in your drains? Or maybe it’s a high-pitched whistling sound. Are these noises a sign of a problem? Or is it just a sign of general wear and tear? Unless you are highly trained in the plumbing profession, it can be hard to identify exactly what these plumbing sounds mean, or where they are coming from. But, it’s important to have a general idea of where these sounds could be originating and repair the source of the problem to avoid emergency plumbing situations. Your plumber can help to identify specific plumbing noises as well as find and fix the source of the issue.
Here Are Some Common Plumbing Sounds –
- Whistling
- Banging Sounds
- Gurgling Drains
- Growling
- Dripping
- Whooshing
Whistling In My Pipes, Faucet, Shower Head Or Toilet –
- If you hear whistling in your pipes, this is a pretty clear indication that water could be trying to pass through an obstruction or small gap.
- If it is your faucet that is whistling, this could be an indication of a faulty washer or something being loose.
- If your toilet’s flush tank is whistling, you may need to replace the ballcock mechanism.
- Your shower head is whistling may mean it is clogged, likely due to limescale buildup.
Banging Sound In My Pipes –
- If you hear plumbing sounds like banging or clanking in your pipes, this is known as “water hammer” usually indicating a blockage in the pipe.
- Water Hammer is caused by the pipes expanding a little to allow water to flow through.
- Since the water is still flowing at a normal speed, but there is an obstruction, it results in the slamming against this blockage and leads to a banging sounds against your pipe walls as it tries to pass through.
A Gurgling Sound In My Drain When I Flush –
- If you are hearing gurgling in your drains when you flush your toilet, this could be an indication of a clog (specifically hair or food related).
- If this is in fact the problem causing your drain gurgling, a quick drain cleaning should solve it!
Growling Sound When Hot Water Is On –
- If one of the plumbing sounds you keep hearing every time your hot water kicks on is a sort of growling or banging sound, this is likely coming from your water heater.
- However, this is an indication of an issue with your water heater only if you are only hearing it when the hot water is on.
- If you are hearing this more than just when your hot water kicks on, it could be a different plumbing issue.
A Constant Dripping Sound –
- A constant dripping sound can be one of the most frustrating plumbing sounds you will hear.
- If you can’t find actual, clear signs of dripping (like from a leaky faucet), this could mean that the dripping is coming from a pipe within one of your walls.
- This could be problematic because it could lead to water damage.
A Whooshing Sound In My Plumbing Pipes –
- Similar to the problem indicated that causes banging sounds, a whooshing sound within your pipes could be an indication that you have hard water.
- Hard water leads to limescale and sediment buildup, which causes a whooshing sound when the water flows over and through this sediment.
While a lot of these frustrating plumbing sounds are simple repairs, if ignored or misdiagnosed, they could lead to larger, more costly plumbing issues! If you are hearing any of these odd sounds within your home, it is important to contact your plumber to first properly identify where they are coming from, and then implement the best repair method!
It can be hard to identify exactly where your odd or annoying plumbing noises are coming from, but we can help! Contact Kulk’s Plumbing & Heating today for assistance with all of your plumbing needs!